Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cactus One Plant Named "Children Of The Sun"

Most of the Cactuses are thorny plants, no water lover, but being precious in full light. Therefore the cactus plants were called "children of the sun".

During the summer, keep your cactus outside; thorny cactus loves sunshine, the cactus with few thorns has to stay in light, without sun. Put the cactus with no thorns in semi-light. As a trick, we recommend you to add in pot over the soil some small river stones .which are very helpful in the hydrating and moisture process. In this case, you don't have to water it, just maybe spray the soil.In winter, the plants have to be kept in light places with moderate temperature (10-12 degree centigrade). The watering will be rare, maybe once in two weeks. Our advice is not to water it. Anyway, if you do it, don't reach the plant.

There are hundreds of varieties perfectly suited for you home. Every species comes with its own specific care instructions and needs. It is important to find out from the nursery or wherever you bought your cactus just exactly how to care for the plant. Most are relatively low maintenance but some of the more exotic species have specific and exacting requirements.

The most common cause of death of all cacti is not watering them properly. When you plant your cactus cutting, do not water it for about two to four weeks. Then, water your cactus cutting every 2-3 weeks. It's important to remember that cacti thrive in the desert and that there's not much water in the desert. So, do your cactus a favor and treat it like it's in the desert.

 As a trick, let in free air the cutting to heal it self for a few days, then pot it in sand. Keep it without watering, just spraying sometimes, in warm and light shady place.